• Live@NYC: Day 9

    Yet another exhausting day. After breakfast (which was pretty late today because I woke up late), I headed to the Apple Store in 5th Avenue. Instead of taking the subway, I walked all the way down through Central Park which accounts for 40 streets and a couple of avenues. Doing so was pretty nice, as the views in Central Park are amazing — and which is the reason why my camera had 93 photos when I got home.

  • Live@NYC: Day 8

    Exhausting. Yes, that's the best word to describe today. I woke up early due to an unexpected phone call and went to have breakfast to some random place close to my current house. Then, and for the first time ever, I went to do the laundry. What a waste of time. Sure, I'd have returned home while the washing machine and the dryer were working but, taking 30 minutes each, it's difficult to do anything productive in these separate periods of time.

  • Live@NYC: Days 6 and 7

    Wow. I got some complaints today for not publishing day 6 on time! Sorry, was too tired to write something yesterday evening. So what did I do yesterday? It was a pretty regular day, with probably two things worth to note. First, I have not been able to find housing yet, so I asked my current tenant if I could stay one more week in the place where I am now; fortunately, it worked, so now I have one more week to look for something else.

  • Live@NYC: Day 5

    Today was a pretty cool day. Everything was like usual, which means running by Central Park in the morning and then going to work... but then, in the evening, several interns met to go for some beers at some random bar in downtown. Had a pretty nice time there and met several people at Google! Not much else to say, other than it´s already late and I need to sleep quite a bit.

  • Live@NYC: Day 4

    Got up early (I'm still jet lagged so this is not difficult at all) and went running to Central Park. What a nice jogging track around the lake! Also surprising was the amount of people running at that hour of the day (7.30). Then I headed to Google early enough to have breakfast there and started to do some work. I'm starting to understand stuff, and it looks like that my work will be exciting!

  • Live@NYC: Day 3

    Today I spent most part of the day at Google. I took a tour through the offices, dealt with paperwork and chatted with my boss. I don't know what things I can say about what I saw, so I will only mention one thing: the place is great. Looks like it'll be hard to leave when the internship finishes! Later this evening, I went shopping to Whole Foods per a suggestion from my boss.

  • Live@NYC: Days 1 and 2

    Finally, my adventure in NYC started yesterday. I had to pick up the flight at 14.50 but it got delayed by an hour. In the end, the plane landed at around 19.15 local time (which means a damn lot of hours inside the plane). Going through immigration and customs was boring but easy. Getting into Manhattan was quite a mess though. Instead of picking a taxi, I decided to try to make my way through the subway system.