• Live@NYC: Day 16

    Wow... two weeks have passed already. Time flies :-( Today I got up late after yesterday's hang out and then went to have lunch with my new roommate and his brother. After lunch, my roommate had to got back to work, and his brother and I walked downtown to take a look at the World Trade Center. After seeing that, we walked by the southern coast and saw the Statue of Liberty in the distance.

  • Live@NYC: Days 13, 14 and 15

    Day 13: Not much to comment, other than I finally got my welcome Google t-shirt! Day 14: Moved to the new apartment. It was pretty annoying to have to move all my stuff using the subway, basically due to the incredible heat in the streets and inside the subway. But finally, I have a relatively decent place to stay for the four months. Shared with another person, cheaper than the older apartment and.

  • Live@NYC: Day 12

    At last, my new apartment is... OMG confirmed! Will be moving on August 1st and will stay there for four months. The location is good because it is just one block away from Google and is also very close to lots and lots of pubs and restaurants. Haven't done much work today though. I spent all the morning applying for a SSN number, and then I spent part of the evening opening a bank account and getting used to its online services.

  • ATF talk at NYCBSDCon 2008

    NYCBSDCon 2008 will take place in New York City on October 11th and 12th. Given that I am already in NYC and will still be by that time, I submitted a presentation proposal about ATF. I have just been notified that my proposal has been accepted and, therefore, I will be giving a talk on ATF itself and how it relates to NetBSDĀ on one of those two days. The conference program and schedule have not been published yet, though, so keep tuned.

  • Live@NYC: Day 11

    One more day and nothing special to say. Just that I tried to open a bank account and they require two different IDs, which I was not carrying. Any idea about why is that? Let's hope I can open the account tomorrow... but even then, the transfer of the money I have in Spain to this account will not happen on the same day, so I'm not sure about how I'll deal with the housing payment.

  • Live@NYC: Day 10

    Not much to say today other than I was lazy to go running in the morning and that I have finally settled on an apartment. Will move in on Friday as long as I can figure out how to do the payment! (Probably need to deal with money orders, because I can't really get enough cash.) Also, I think the time when I'm assigned a project at Google is approaching. Hope it will be soon.

  • Live@NYC: Photos

    I've started uploading the photos of my stay in NYC to the Picasa Web Albums. Feel free to take a look in my page!