• Boost.Process and SIGCHLD

    For some unknown reason, I'm regaining interest in Boost.Process lately. I guess many of the people who have written me in the past asking for the status of the library will be happy to hear this, but I can't promise I will stick to coding it for long. I have to say that I have received compliments from quite a few people... thanks if you are reading and sorry if I did not reply you at all.

  • Live@NYC: 2 months and a half

    Wow, I haven't blogged for a long time (a month since last post) and I'm already counting down my days in NYC... less than a month and a half left here :-( I certainly miss some things from home, such as the nice little (non-fancy) bars, my bike, the gym, a nice house and, of course, friends and family, but I'm not in a real hurry to go back. So what have been the recent happenings?

  • Live@NYC: Almost 2 months

    I just realized that today makes two months since I left my home in Barcelona and headed first to Italy and then to NYC. This means I only have two more months and a week to stay at Google. Ew, time flies so fast... But so far, things are going great. They could certainly be a little bit better, but not by much! Today, two friends from Spain just left my apartment.

  • Live@NYC: Month 1

    Wow, I realized yesterday that I have already been in NYC for a full month! That means that I only have three left before leaving... time flies :-( I also apologize (to those who have noted!) for not writing for the past week, but I have lost "interest". All posts were starting to be similar to each other because there aren't that many new things to explain every day. Or, put it another way: I now usually have better things to do in the evenings rather than blogging :-P

  • Live@NYC: Days 21, 22 and 23

    Day 21 (August 8th): Some work at Google and went out later with a friend from work and the friends that are visiting from Barcelona. We went to a bar called Spice Market: quite fancy but also expensive and not that fun. Day 22 (August 9th): Stayed at home for most of the day, which was pretty nice because I had not done this since I left Barcelona four weeks ago.

  • Live@NYC: Day 20

    Another regular day at work, except that I have finally been assigned some coding work. Yay! Haven't coded for a rather long while, and I need to do something. Aside that, got some Google gear that I was supposed to get on the first day but didn't. This includes a water bottle, a towel, yet another t-shirt and a notebook. Somewhat related: I also ate way too much, which makes my stomach hurt and feel incredibly tired.

  • Live@NYC: Day 17, 18 and 19

    I should have posted this yesterday at most... but anyway, here it comes so that I do not forget about recent happenings. What I mean is that day 19th was yesterday (August 6th), not today! Day 17: Some more learning work at Google. The interesting thing of that day was that a friend from Barcelona arrived to the city at 10pm approximately, so we went to have a beer to a place in the lower East River.