Software artist. Writer aficionado. Open source enthusiast.
Runner. Father of two.
Currently: Senior Software Engineer at Google,
New York City.
Yesterday was my 2nd day of vacations at San Francisco but ended up so tired that I couldn't sit down to write this post. What did I do? Basically, yesterday was a walking day. I got out of the hotel early in the morning (around 9am) and came back at 4pm, just to leave again at 5.30pm and return at 8.30pm. That's a lot of hours of wandering around! Basically, my path started at the hotel and I headed to the North Beach neighborhood through Downtown.
That's it! I'm in SF after my first "vacations" day. The trip, door to door, has taken around 12 hours; I got up at 4.45am in NYC, took the flight at 8.30am in JFK, arrived to SFO at 12.00pm and got to the hotel at around 2.00pm (all of these local times in their respective places; three-hour difference between eastern and western coasts). No cabs, which is what enlarged the total time a noticeable amount.
That's it. My internship at Google finished this past Thursday (that is one day and a half ago) and I'm going back to Spain on December 2nd. A week and a half to go and my time at NYC is over. Quick summary: the internship has been great, working at Google is amazing and my project was more or less finished. I'll provide more details about the whole experience later when I'm back to my country, but now is vacations time.
The Google SoC 2008 Mentor Summit is now officially over. The summit has taken place during the whole weekend and has been pretty intensive. The organization of the whole event has been excellent thanks to the hard work of Leslie Hawthorn among others; sorry, can't remember your names... I'm very bad at this. We have had multiple sessions, ranging from technical ones such as distributed version control systems to more political ones such as how to deal with assholes in open source projects.
I've landed this morning in San Francisco at 9.00am (which means I left NYC at 6.00am!) and went straight down to the Google Headquarters in Mountain View. No sleep at all except for a little bit of pseudo-sleep in the plane. The Google campus is really nice. It puts the NYC offices in an inferior level than I thought :P But the only problem is that the area surrounding the campus is basically empty.
A rather long while ago, I published a little teaser on std::set and people seemed to like it quite a bit. So here goes another one based on a problem a friend has found at work today. I hope to reproduce the main idea behind the problem correctly, but my memory is a bit fuzzy. Can you guess why the following program fails to compile due to an error in the call to equals from within main?
Yesterday night, we went to a techno club — Webster Hall — which had Carl Cox as an invited DJ. Some of my friends around here enjoy this music and said this was a great DJ, so we couldn't miss it. He indeed was good. Today, after few hours of sleep, I have been doing quite a bit of housework: basically, huge cleaning, reordering and some DIY — had to fix some drawers.