That's it. My internship at Google finished this past Thursday (that is one day and a half ago) and I'm going back to Spain on December 2nd. A week and a half to go and my time at NYC is over. Quick summary: the internship has been great, working at Google is amazing and my project was more or less finished.

I'll provide more details about the whole experience later when I'm back to my country, but now is vacations time. I really need to relax a bit; haven't had vacations for more than a year and a half! And, when I get back, I'll have to start working on my Ph.D. immediately.

So what am I going to do? I'm leaving to San Francisco tomorrow morning and I'll spend four days there by myself, exploring that other nice city. I'll be back to NYC for thanksgiving and then use the rest of the days to visit a couple of museums, buy presents and, if time permits, visit Washington DC.

Next post will probably be from San Francisco ;) C ya.

Comments from the original Blogger-hosted post: