Wow, I realized yesterday that I have already been in NYC for a full month! That means that I only have three left before leaving... time flies :-(

I also apologize (to those who have noted!) for not writing for the past week, but I have lost "interest".  All posts were starting to be similar to each other because there aren't that many new things to explain every day.  Or, put it another way: I now usually have better things to do in the evenings rather than blogging :-P

As regards work, I have spent the past two weeks trying to code something, but all my attempts were worthless. Yesterday, though, my manager and I found a trivial way to resolve the problem at hand. It is not the nicest solution, but does the trick for now. Ew, two weeks of "wasted" coding efforts! But, as he put it, these efforts have been a good way to introduce myself into big projects within Google.

Now I have been assigned another coding task and it seems pretty darn cool to me. This is not related to my real project, though, but it should be possible to finish it in one week and will be useful to give me more exposure to other Google technologies. In special, MapReduce. Yeah, I can say that; after all, what MapReduce is is disclosed ;-)

Before finishing, let me point out something else that has caught my attention here in the city. There are lots of places to get your nails done, and all the people in these places is visible from the street. Curious, at the very least.

Oh! Be sure to listen to the "Gettysburg trilogy" (the three songs in the second disc) in The Glorious Burden album from Iced Earth. Have been quite addicted to it for the last days.

Comments from the original Blogger-hosted post: