• Recent news

    Micro-blogging services are preventing me to write real posts in my blog... so here comes a summary of recent happenings. I finished my master's degree in Computer Architecture, Networks and Systems a week ago, when I presented the master's thesis titled Task scheduling on the Cell processor. I'll try to post it somewhere online when I have good internet connection. Then, I've spent this whole week at the ACACES Summer School, a meet-up of people from the HiPEAC project to take courses on several computer architecture topics and get to know new people that works on similar areas as you.

  • Reinstalled Mac OS X in multiple partitions, again

    Past weekend, for some strange reason, I decided to dump all the MBP's hard disk contents and start again from scratch. But this time I decided to split the disk into multiple partitions for Mac OS X, to avoid external fragmentation slowdowns as much as possible. I already did such a thing back when the MBP was new. At that time, I created a partition for the system files and another for the user data.

  • Blacklisting a device in HAL

    I have an old Aiptek mini PenCam 1.3 MPixels, identified by USB vendor 1276 and product 20554. I want to use this webcam for videoconferencing in the machine I am setting up for this purpose. This machine carries a Fedora 9 x86_64 installation, as already mentioned in the previous post. Whenever I connect the camera to the machine, HAL detects the new device and then GNOME attempts to "mount" it using gphoto2.

  • Desktop effects with an nVidia card and Fedora 9

    I'm setting up a machine at home to act as a videoconferencing station so that my family can easily talk to me during the summer, while I'm in NYC. This machine is equipped with an Athlon 64-bit processor and a nVidia GeForce 6200 PCI-Express video card. I decided to install Fedora 9 in this computer because this is the distribution I'm currently using everywhere (well, everywhere except on the Mac ;-).

  • lib64 problems

    Linux distributions for the x86_64 platform have different approaches when it comes to the installation of 32-bit and 64-bit libraries. In a 64-bit platform, 64-bit libraries are required to run all the standard applications but 32-bit libraries need to be available to provide compatibility with 32-bit binaries. In this post, I consider 64-bit applications to be the native ones and the 32-bit to be foreign. The two major approaches I have seen are:

  • Twitter and other news

    Don't know why but I finally succumbed to Twitter today, as if I did not have enough things to waste time. You can follow me with the jmmv nick. I just noticed this post comes after more than a month since the last one; my apologies. I do not have any free time these days to think about writing decent posts nor doing anything else. My current work is basically attending class, writing reports, reading papers and going to the gym (this last thing only when possible).

  • Lost 4x05

    Watched episode 5 from season 4, titled The Constant, yesterday night. As a couple of friends put it: "Best. Episode. Ever." Let's hope this trend doesn't end here! 3 more left to catch up.