Wow.  I got some complaints today for not publishing day 6 on time!  Sorry, was too tired to write something yesterday evening.

So what did I do yesterday?  It was a pretty regular day, with probably two things worth to note. First, I have not been able to find housing yet, so I asked my current tenant if I could stay one more week in the place where I am now; fortunately, it worked, so now I have one more week to look for something else. And, second, when I got home I went for a (very) short walk to find a decent bar in the neighborhood. Nothing! I really want to move to some other place with more nightlife to explore...

And what about today, you say? Well, some more work and, in the evening, I went for dinner plus a couple of drinks with several other interns. Finally tried one of these drinks with fancy names, colors and glasses — a daiquiri with strawberry — but it was pretty good indeed! I think I was the oldest of the group, given that most of the interns around here are still in undergraduate college courses... and it is really annoying to have to show one's ID in every single bar to get a drink served.

Tomorrow I have to go to see a couple of apartments and also to do the laundry in one of these ugly places... never done it so I will have to ask someone how the machines work and what the procedure is. I can't understand why most people don't have a washing machine at home!  Lack of space?

And one last thing: if I keep up with the current reading "speed", I'll probably have a project assigned by next Wednesday. Really looking forward to it, as I want to start doing something cool and useful but... I don't know what I'll be able to tell you...

Comments from the original Blogger-hosted post: