Exhausting. Yes, that's the best word to describe today. I woke up early due to an unexpected phone call and went to have breakfast to some random place close to my current house. Then, and for the first time ever, I went to do the laundry. What a waste of time. Sure, I'd have returned home while the washing machine and the dryer were working but, taking 30 minutes each, it's difficult to do anything productive in these separate periods of time. I think that next time I'll just bring my clothes and let the people there do everything by themselves so that I can pick up the clean clothes in the evening... sure, you have to pay for that service, but it's worth the time savings!

Then I paid for this week's rent and, after that, headed downtown to deal with housing. I had to see a room at 4pm, so I went a couple of hours in advance to walk by the neighborhood and have lunch somewhere. It took a while to settle the lunch place, and I ended up in a, I guess, mexican restaurant, where I ate a burrito. The place was very touristic (aka, not cheap) but the food was really, really good.

Immediately after lunch, I went to see the room. This was in a 3-bedroom apartment located in Greenwich Village. Sincerely, the flat was quite disappointing (but most of them seem to be here in Manhattan), but the surroundings were, I think, excellent. Lots of bars and restaurants around which certainly warrants cool nightlife! If I take that place, I would shared it with a couple of guys in their mid-twenties too, so they'd have been good party-mates I guess.

Later, I walked to Google to see how long it took from the apartment to get there. I didn't take the most optimal route, but it was a 20-minute walk only; with some experience, I'm sure it'd transform into a 15-minute walk only. Why did I go to Google, you say? Well, to check the email and keep browsing Craigslist. (Side note: people here has a problem with air conditioning... it was so damn cold inside the building!)

Anyway, from there I called another person that was offering a room (I already exchanged some emails yesterday, so this was planned) and settled that I'd see it today but late in the evening. OK, so I went for a walk to make time and stopped by a supermarket to buy some food for breakfast. Then I walked back to Google because I had not heard from the girl (she was supposed to call me just an hour after I called her) and it was pretty late. From there I called again and, well, I had to wait until almost 10pm to be able to see the apartment because she got out of work late and still had to have dinner.

Buuuut, the good thing is that I was able to see this other apartment, which is just one block away from Google and pretty close to 5th avenue. I met the girl, a 28-year old mexican, and I think I finally have a place to stay. Quite cheaper than the other option, cool roommate, and a lot closer to work! She will confirm tomorrow, but I guess (well, hope!) I'm done looking.

And at last, headed back home and ate something for dinner. And here I am now, blogging and "enjoying" one of those alcohol-free beers.

So why was the day exhausting? I tracked my walk path on Google Earth and it was almost 10km-long! All day walking and carrying my laptop on the back... so it's time for a good sleep. Finally, the jet lag is going away.

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