• SoC: Project page ready

    I've just set up the NetBSD-SoC: Efficient memory file-system project page. At the moment, it includes a list of the project goals, a copy of the original proposal text (in case you would like to read it) and a list of existing documentation. This page will be extended to hold technical information as well as installation instructions (that is, how to merge the code in that page with NetBSD's source tree) when the project matures during the summer.

  • SoC: The NetBSD-SoC project

    The NetBSD Project has set up a project at the Sourceforge site that aims to centralize the development of the eight projects chosen for the Summer of Code program. Its name is NetBSD-SoC and its page contains information about all the elected projects, information about mailing lists of interest and a CVS repository for the students and their mentors. Read the official announcement for more information. As regards my project, I'll start filling up its page in the site when I've got access to it (probably tomorrow).

  • SoC: Accepted!

    After a very long delay, Google has finally chosen the projects that will be part of the Summer of Code program. There seems to be no official announcement in the page yet, but I already received a mail... and... my project is accepted! :-) I briefly outlined my project some days ago, but I'll explain it in more detail now (copying some paragraphs from the application form verbatim). At the moment, NetBSD includes a memory-based file-system called mfs.

  • EasyTAG

    A few days ago, I finally decided to sort all my MP3s. I started erasing lots of cruft that I never listen to and then renamed some files I had with weird names. I ended up with this layout: Artist/Album year - Album name/Song number - Song name.mp3. When finished, I was exposed to the task of setting up the ID3 tags for all of them, something I did in the past using custom shell scripts together the id3v2 utility.


    So... my faculty became part of the MSDNAA program few months ago. This program is meant to provide students with Microsoft's software — basically operating systems and development tools — for free. The intention (I guess) is to let we, the students, learn how these software packages work so that we use them in the future in our professional career. Well, the thing is that, thanks to this, I can finally have a legal copy of Windows on my machine, and I also have the opportunity to try programs like Visual Studio .

  • SoC: My project proposal

    In yesterday's post, I mentioned that I applied for Google's Summer of Code — a program designed to introduce students to the world of open source software development — and I realized I had not blogged anything about it yet. Despite I'm already in the open source software development world, I thought this was a good opportunity to learn new stuff and, why not, earn some money doing something I like.

  • MFC: Developing for Windows

    During the past two days, I've been working (again) on my Boost Process library idea. While doing so, I realized that I don't know anything at all about coding for Windows using the MFC. I must learn how to handle processes under this platform to be able to design a correct abstraction layer for process management. It's time to do so. I booted Windows XP, downloaded Borland's C++ Builder 5 command line tools (that is, the C++ free compiler) and installed it following the instructions (not a "