• SoC: Thoughts about tmpfs data representation

    The text below is a message I just sent to NetBSD's tech-kern mailing list. I'm reproducing it here with better formatting and with some e-mail specific sentences removed. The tmpfs code is up to the point where I have to start implementing the vnode operations. To do this, I have to decide how to organize the file data in memory as well as all other information needed to manage it.

  • SoC: Status report 2

    After several days since the previous status report, it's time for a new one. During the past week, I've improved several aspects of the existing code, without adding many new stuff. First of all, I added several other VFS hooks needed to avoid crashes due to null pointers and completed the code up to the point where the file system can be mounted and unmounted (the latter was more difficult than I thought).

  • SoC: Status report 1

    During this past week, I've been working a bit on my SoC project; only a bit because I had to prepare the slides for the NetBSD presentation I'm giving tomorrow at Partyzip@. Fortunately, from now on I won't have anything else to do, so I'll be able to devote all my time to tmpfs :-) So... here is a little status report: I started the week reading the I/O chapter from the Design and Implementation of the 4.

  • Monotone's CVS gateway, part 2

    After explaining what is the Monotone's CVS gateway, I've been asked to post a little step by step tutorial about it. I'll focus the example towards pkgsrc. Here it goes: The first step is to create a local database for Monotone and a key for personal use: $ monotone --db=~/pkgsrc.db db init $ monotone --db=~/pkgsrc.db genkey user@example.com Once this is done, we can proceed to import the CVS repository into the database.

  • Going on vacation

    I'm going on vacation tomorrow and will be back by the end of the month. I'll bring my laptop with me, but I won't have regular Internet access (unless there is an open AP close to the place, that is). This will make my SoC's project development a bit more difficult, as I won't have my workstation (fast build machine) nor a test machine (very useful for kernel development). I hope I've collected enough information to start working on the project and will continue to devour it in the next days; until now, I've read a bit of the I/O chapter from the 4.

  • Monotone's CVS gateway

    After a long time, I've finally decided to give Monotone's net.venge.monotone.cvssync branch a try. The code in it implements a bidirectional gateway between Monotone and CVS. What this means is that Monotone can be used for private development while working on a project that already uses CVS (doing the inverse could be... stupid?). The way it works is basically the following: first of all, you synchronize your local Monotone database with a remote CVS repository, importing the whole revision tree into it using cvs_pull.

  • NetBSD conference at Partyzip@

    I just realized I haven't posted about this before... A month ago or so, I was invited by the Partyzip@ organizational team to give a conference about NetBSD. For those that don't know it, Partyzip@ is a party held at Monz�n, Spain: it holds several technological conferences and workshops as well as gaming contests. This is its second year. My conference will be given on July 10th in the morning. I will give an introduction to the NetBSD operating system covering topics such as the release scheme, project goals, existing technologies, future projects, cross compilation, etc.