• Little application with Qt and OpenGL

    As part of the VIG (Graphical Visualization and Interaction) course I took this semester, we had to develop an application using Qt and OpenGL to practice the concepts learned through the semester. The application loads several 3D Studio models using lib3ds, renders them using OpenGL and lets the user control its behavior through a Qt interface. We have handed it in a few minutes ago; finally! :-) The goal of the application is to show a scenario with up to ten cars moving on top of its surface in circles.

  • SoC: First commit

    Due to all the university tasks I had to finish, I could not start work on my SoC project eariler than this weekend. Final exams are now around the corner (first one on the 21st, last one on the 30th), but I will have to balance study time and SoC work if I want to make progress in both directions... and I have to! Sincerely, I was lazy to start working on my project because I had to investigate how Boost's build infrastructure works and how to integrate a new library into it.

  • Become productive with Quicksilver

    Quicksilver is, at a first glance, an application launcher for OS X. It lets you search for and quickly launch your applications using predictive lookups. You invoke the application with a keybinding of your choice, type in the first letters of the program you want to launch (as much as it takes to locate it) and hit return. If you have ever used Spotlight, you know what I mean. Even though, Quicksilver is much more than a program launcher.

  • Games: Half-Life 2: Episode One

    So... past Saturday (June 2nd), I ran to the closest store and bought Half-Life 2: Episode One, the continuation to Half-Life 2. As you may already know from my Half-Life 2 "review", I am a big fan of this title so I was dying to play EP1. (I know, I know... I still have a lot of work to do — e.g. SoC — but I had to relax a bit.

  • Functional programming and Haskell

    This semester, I was assigned a task that was meant to practice the knowledge gathered about the functional programming paradigm during a CS course. The task was to develop an abstract data type for a processes network and a way to automatically convert it to Miranda executable code. A processes network is an idea based on the data flow paradigm: a network is a set of processes that cooperate together to reach a result.

  • SoC: List of accepted projects

    After some days of delay, Google has published the final list of chosen projects for this year's Summer of Code; it consists of 630 funded projects. If you browse through them, you will find lots of interesting things. The good thing is that most of them will be worked on seriously, so there will be great contributions by the end of the summer :-) As I told you, my project is listed under the Boost page alongside other interesting projects.

  • SoC: Accepted, again!

    I am very proud to annouce that I have been accepted into Google's Summer of Code program — again! During Summer 2005 I developed an efficient, memory-based file system for the NetBSD operating system, baptized tmpfs. I must confess that I enjoyed very much hacking the NetBSD kernel and also learned a lot about file systems. So this year I was eager to repeat the experience by taking part in SoC again.