• Windows: Remapping keyboard keys

    Some time ago, I bought an Apple Keyboard to use with both my PC and iBook. Compared to a traditional PC keyboard, this one includes extra function keys (from F13 to F16) and some multimedia ones, but does not provide those that are PC-specific and which are very rarely used even in, for example, Windows. One of such keys is Print Screen; I needed this key to take a screenshot of my desktop a couple of days ago and couldn't find a quick way to do it otherwise.

  • Windows: Where is deltree?

    If you were a MSDOS user as I was, you may remember one of the useful novelties in the 5.0 version: an utility to delete whole directory hierarchies. It was known as deltree. That tool came really useful to avoid launching third party applications such as PC-Tools or PC-Shell (if I remember their names correctly). What a surprise when I needed it a year ago while working in Windows XP and couldn't find it anywhere; it certainly existed in Windows 9x!

  • Happy second birthday!

    Today makes the second year since this blog was born; its birth happened in the middle of final exams, just as the same period I'm in now. As you may remember, it was firstly hosted on Livejournal but was later migrated to Blogger on October 22nd, 2005. During the switch, it was renamed from "jmmv's weblog" to "The Julipedia". This makes the 272nd post which gives an average of 0.37 posts a day.

  • Windows Vista Beta 2 review

    It has already been a week since I downloaded and installed Windows Vista Beta 2 on my workstation. I was curious to see what the much delayed final version will finally bring us and how well it would perform on my three year old machine. Just after the installation process, I was greeted by the Aero-based desktop; it turns out Windows decided that my machine was powerful enough to run it.

  • Setting up BoostBook under Windows

    In order to have a complete development environment for my SoC project under Windows, I still had to install and configure BoostBook. Why I want this is beyond the aim of this post, but for the curious ones: my NetBSD setup is severely broken and I want to be able to work on documentation when I will be doing the Win32 part. I have spent a lot of time to get BoostBook properly configured, although now that I know the appropriate path it is quite simple.

  • Win32: Mappings for Unicode support

    I have spent some time during the past few days to play with the Win32 API again after a year since first looking at them. I must learn how to manage processes under Windows as part of my SoC project, Boost.Process, and this involves native Windows programming with the Win32 API. After creating a fresh C++ Win32 console application project from Visual Studio 2005, I noticed that the template code had a _tmain function rather than a main one.

  • Burning ISO images from Windows

    While I was doing some work under Windows this evening, I had the need to burn some ISO files I had downloaded from the MSDNAA. I had just reinstalled the whole system this morning (hint hint, Vista Beta 2) and I did not have any CD recording utility installed. I noticed the "Burn" button when exploring the folder containing the ISOs and I thought that it could allow me to press them to pristine CDs.