• SoC: ATF self-testing

    ATF is a program, and as happens with any application, it must be (automatically) tested to ensure it works according to its specifications. But as you already know, ATF is a testing framework so... is it possible to automatically test it? Can it test itself? Should it do it? The thing is: it can and it should, but things are not so simple. ATF can test itself because it is possible to define test programs through ATF to check the ATF tools and libraries.

  • Daggy fixes (in Monotone)

    If you inspect the ATF's source code history, you'll see a lot of merges. But why is that, if I'm the only developer working in the project? Shouldn't the revision history be linear? Well, the thing is it needn't and it shouldn't; the subtle difference is important here :-) It needn't be linear because Monotone is a VCS that stores history in a DAG, so it is completely natural to have a non-linear history.

  • Recovering two old Macs

    Wow, it has already been three years since a friend an I found a couple of old Macintoshes in a trash container1. Each of us picked one, and maybe a year ago or so I gave mine to him as I had no space at home to keep it. Given that he did not use them and that I enjoy playing with old hardware, I exchanged those two machines by an old Pentium 3 I had laying around :-) The plan is to install NetBSD-current on at least one of them and some other system (or NetBSD version) in the other one to let me ensure ATF is really portable to bizarre hardware (running sane systems, though).

  • SoC: Web site for ATF

    While waiting for a NetBSD release build to finish, I've prepared the web site for ATF. It currently lacks information in a lot of areas, but the most important ones for now — the RSS feed for news and the Repository page — are quite complete. Hope you like it! Comments welcome, of course :-)

  • SoC: Converting NetBSD 'regress' tests

    I've finally got at a point where I can start converting some of the current regression tests in the NetBSD tree to use the new ATF system. To prove this point, I've migrated all the tests that currently live in regress/bin to the new framework. They all now live in /usr/tests/util/. This has not been a trivial task — and it is not completely done yet, as there still are some rough edges — but I'm quite happy with the results.

  • Book: Producing Open Source Software

    This year, Google sent all the Summer of Code students the Producing Open Source Software: How to run a successful free software project book by Karl Fogel (ISBN 0-596-00759-0) as a welcome present. I've just finished reading it and I can say that it was a very nice read. The book is very easy to follow and is very complete: it covers areas such as the project's start-up, how to set things up for promoting it, how to behave in mailing lists, how to prepare releases, how to deal with volunteers or with paid developers, etc.

  • SoC: Code is public now

    Just in time for the mid-term evaluation (well, with one day of delay), I've made the atf's source code public. This is possible thanks to the public and free monotone server run by Timothy Brownawell. It's nice to stay away from CVS ;-) See the How to get it section at the atf's page for more details on how to download the code from that server and how to trust it (it may take an hour or two for the section to appear).