• SoC: Status report

    SoC's deadline is just five days away! I'm quite happy with the status of my project, ATF, but it will require a lot more work to be in a decent shape — i.e. ready to be imported into NetBSD — and there really is no time to get it done in five days. Furthermore, it is still to unstable (in the sense that it changes a lot) so importing it right now could cause a lot of grief to end users.

  • SoC: First preview of NetBSD with ATF

    Reposting from the original ATF news entry: I have just uploaded some NetBSD-current release builds with ATF merged in. These will ease testing to the casual user who is interested in this project because he will not need to mess with patches to the NetBSD source tree nor rebuild a full release, which is a delicate and slow process. For the best experience, these releases are meant to be installed from scratch even though you can also do an upgrade of a current installation.

  • Hibernating a Mac

    Mac OS X has supported for a very long time putting Macs to sleep. This is a must-have feature for laptops, but is also convenient for desktop machines. However, it hasn't been since the transition to Intel-based Macs that it also supports hibernation, also called deep sleep. When entering the hibernation mode, the system stores all memory contents to disk as well as the status of the devices. It then powers off the machine completely.

  • SoC: Status report

    It has already been a week since the last SoC-related post, so I owe you an status report. Development has continued at a constant rate and, despite I work a lot on the project, it may seem to advance slowly from an external point of view. The thing is that getting the ATF core components complete and right is a tough job! Just look at the current and incomplete TODO list to see what I mean.

  • Processor speed and desktop usage

    Back in July 7th, I disassembled my MacBook Pro to see if I could easily replace its hard disk for a faster one. I hadn't bought it yet because I first wanted to check that the whole process was easy. The thing is that, after a couple of problems, I could disassemble it. So I then ran to the local store to buy the new drive. But oh! They didn't have it.

  • Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion

    Back in February, I bought a copy of Parallels Desktop 2 and have been a very happy user of it since then. However, when Parallels 3 appeared, I hesitated to pre-order it (even at a very low price) and I did well: after it was released, I tried it on my MacBook Pro and their 3D support is useless for me. I could not play neither Half-Life 2 nor Doom 3 at acceptable speeds, being the former much worse than the latter in this regard.

  • Death star!

    A cool photo I found today: I think I can say: don't be scared! That seems to be a power adapter so, supposedly, all those plugs are switched off when one of them is connected. If they weren't... this would not pass any quality assurance control... So, it is a pretty nice product :-) See the original post for more details. Edit (23rd July): Corrected the (invented) title.