*The decision to not renew my NetBSD board membership was bittersweet.*

Let me put aside the Readability series posts for a moment while I recap how the two years serving the NetBSD Board of Directors have been. My term just finished a couple of weeks ago, so it is better to post this while it is still relevant.

First, let me backtrack a little bit. A couple of years ago, I was nominated to serve the NetBSD Board of Directors. Needless to say, I was flattered that this was the case so I decided to run for the position. This worked, so “soon” after I joined the board in May of 2011.

Board memberships last two years, and the members whose terms are about to expire can opt to run for a renewal. I chose not to do so, mostly for the benefit of the project. I had lost pretty much all the time I could devote to the board to the point where I was regularly missing meetings. The real reason, though, is that I had become unmotivated, and that was what most certainly translated into not “having” time — as the saying goes, people make time for the things they really care about… so go figure.

If this was a “real job” I would have gotten an exit interview from the human resources (HR) department. But because there was no such a thing (hey, maybe there should have been one? There goes an idea), I’m publishing my own thoughts here. Just keep in mind that everything that follows is my personal opinion.

Let me make this very clear upfront: I do have a lot of respect for the vast majority of the people involved in NetBSD: most of them, if not all, are highly competent and, to the extent I can tell, nice people. I am not going to point fingers at anyone in particular in what follows below, if only because no individual is “at fault”.

However, having competent and nice people in the project is orthogonal to the project being on a path that could eventually lead to widespread success: the project has actually been moving fast in the opposite direction and denying so is burying the head in the sand. But, hang on: what do I mean by “widespread success”? I mean a project that is truly competitive in the specific market it chooses to be in; a project in which we can innovate and not constantly worry about politics; a project that external people don’t consider dead, archaic or obsolete; a project that has good recognition in the open source world; a project that continuously attracts new talent to maintain enough “critical development mass”; a project with a really well-defined set of goals that motivate the users and developers involved in it; a project in which contributions that don’t fit the set goals can quickly, unambiguously and explicitly be rejected; a project with strong direction to set and maintain these goals; and a project that has enough developers to not struggle with keeping up with modern hardware or software. Wow; that’s not an exhaustive list, but I hope is enough to clarify what follows below.

Some of you will surely disagree with my take on what being successful means, but if that’s the case, I’d like to ask you to continue reading anyway. Also, no matter how successful the project is in the future, and no matter what definition of “success” you use, the code of the NetBSD operating system will always be “out there: and it will always be the perfect system to fill the hands of a minority. But this shy and non-ambitious position is not why I am here for.

It is heartbreaking to see that, as years pass by, NetBSD becomes less and less relevant in all the areas I mentioned above… and, what is worse: nobody is able to take action because all attempts to effect major change derail into a frustrating experience (both for longtime developers and newcomers). As a specific example: every year, the NetBSD Foundation runs a group meeting with all the members of the foundation as per its bylaws. Such meeting is always started by a talk from a member of the board. Years ago, circa 2003, such talks were incredibly motivational: the leaders had a strong sense of where the project was going and what it needed to get there. As years have gone by, such presentations have turned into a quick summary of what happened over the last year, without a single mention of “what’s next”.

Enough generic talk. It’s time to get into specifics, so here are my main concerns: *there is no leadership in the project, there is no willingness to take risk and there is fear to recruit new users* who may have different points of view. These make me incredibly sad for a project that I have had in my heart for the last 11 years.

Let me elaborate on these points one by one.

Lack of leadership

Theoretically speaking, there are two major groups that are supposed to lead the project: the board and the core team. The idea is that the board is in charge of administrativa around the project, doing things like managing donations, deciding on a budget, dealing with legal issues, etc.; and then there is the core team, whose responsibility is to lead the technical aspects of the project. That’s the theory, and yes, the two teams do exist.

In practice, however, these teams are dysfunctional because they do not provide leadership: all they do is act reactively to requests from users and/or to resolve internal disputes. In other words: there is no initiative nor vision emerging from these teams (and, for that matter, from anybody). There are some minor exceptions though, like proposing technical projects to fund, but… that’s pretty much it.

Digging further, the split between board and core hurts the project more than it helps. NetBSD is a technical project, and thus all leaders should keep that in mind. Having two set of independent leaders at the same “organizational level” is detrimental, if only because getting them to agree (which involves 13 people today) is extremely difficult and will always result in too many compromises no matter what the decision to make is.

My point of view is that there is a need for a reduced and single set of strong leaders willing to take risk (as I’ll soon describe below), and maybe even the need for a single strong leader. Karl Fogel describes these two management structures pretty well in his “Producing Open Source” book (which you should read right now if you haven’t done so yet, by the way).

Inability to take risk

When I say “taking risk” I am talking about the ability to make strong decisions that may be controversial; decisions that could make some members leave the project —out of their own will, of course— while at the same time empower others to move their vision forward.

As things are today, the project leaders will almost always settle for either the conservative solution or a solution that compromises on every detail so as to not annoy anyone. Unfortunately, this approach implicitly disappoints a group of people — a group of people that may not be vocal enough to express their preferences out of previous disappointments. All of this, of course, only happens when the leader teams are asked about something, as they will rarely provide input unless asked for (see reactive model above).

There are plenty of examples about this, and I do not want to go into the specifics of each. However, because I want to make my points concrete, I will mention a couple of recurrent items that have been ongoing for years and that will certainly continue to be the same for years to come: the ditching of CVS and the renewal of the web site. The details, again, are not important for this discussion; what is important is to say that there is a general apathy towards these topics in the project.

But let’s just take the migration away from CVS as an example. The current view on the topic is that no existing VCS can replace CVS and keep some of the properties that CVS has. Therefore, if we were to switch away from CVS, a bunch of developers attached to those old properties would possibly abandon the project. That’s a fine concern, but the thing is that CVS is not perfect either and many developers would be way more productive if we were using something different. These developers possibly contribute less by this fact, and new developers may not wish to contribute after knowing the project still uses arcane tools. (Have you tried telling anyone in person that NetBSD still uses CVS? No? Try it and observe their faces.) So here we have the dichotomy: we either change to a different system acknowledging a few deficiencies and explicitly annoy a few people along the way, or we change nothing and we silently shoo existing and new developers away. Guess which one will always win.

My little pet peeves on this topic came right after BSDCan 2012. During the conference, a few outsiders, other NetBSD members and I discussed these very same topics: how to prevent the project from becoming even more irrelevant, how to move some of the stuck decisions forward, and some other topics for which we just needed a firm commitment to make them happen.

As a result of these conversations, the first thing I did was to write a pretty long and provocative critique of what was wrong with NetBSD and what needed to change to fix it. My plan was to publish it in the blog, but later decided to just send it to the board for internal discussion — hoping that keeping things private and in a reduced group would lead to a healthier discussion. Unfortunately, my email was received partially with anger and partially with apathy. (If any of you are reading this, please note that this was never my intention. What I wanted to achieve with that long post was to motivate us to directly address recurring difficult challenges, just like I’m trying to do here now. It is possible that the wording at the time was not appropriate.)

One other thing we discussed during BSDCan 2012 was the creation of a mission statement. Every organization should clearly know what its goals are and it should have priorities on which to base their controversial decisions. Right? Right.

So the second thing I did was to propose the creation of a mission statement (which, turns out, had already been proposed by another board member a few years back). This idea was quickly met with reluctancy, with the rationale being that it was not possible to come up with a useful mission statement that covered all users of NetBSD. The thing is that it is obvious that NetBSD (or for that matter any software project) cannot be everything for everyone: one way or another, some use cases and/or user profiles are going to be left out. Eventually, though, we settled on surveying the user base to see what our user profiles were and what such users wanted NetBSD to be, which is actually a good first step to define a mission statement that does not alienate everybody.

What happened soon after was surreal. Deciding what you want the survey to expose is hard. Coming up with a meaningful survey is tough and having a set of questions from which you can later derive reasonable conclusions is difficult. But, hey, the whole point of running a survey is to get to those conclusions. However, the discussion(s) ratholed into deciding what the best software to perform the survey was, losing all perspective on why we wanted to do this and what kind of information we wanted to gather. In the end, this whole thing died off because the board was not bought into the idea that defining a path for the project was an important thing to do, and I got tired of pushing this forward; so, yes, I’ll take the blame for this not happening. To this day, nothing has happened in this regard and NetBSD continues to be a project without strong goals to distinguish itself from the competition and to make newcomers believe in its future. Which brings me to my next point.

As a side note, let me briefly mention why I believe a mission statement is a must have. First, because it clearly tells users what the project is about and what they can expect from it. And second and more importantly, it sets the ground rules on the kind of contributions that are acceptable: if a developer proposes a change that does not fit the mission, the change can quickly and explicitly be denied. There is no emotionally-draining arguments and thus no hard feelings arise. Granted, said developer may leave the project, but in the long term he will be happier because he’ll direct his energy towards a project that is aligned with his personal goals.

No desire to recruit new users

Users. NetBSD needs more users, lots more of them. Why? Because a small percentage of those new users will become new fresh contributors with energy, and they will help the project. The more developers, the better NetBSD will be able to keep up with current times and the more users there will be, which in turn will allow us to work on bigger and more innovative projects. It’s a vicious circle, and it’s one that has been shrinking for many years already: we keep losing developers and users, we cannot keep up with the times, and therefore we don’t get new users.

But that’s not the problem. The problem is that some vocal project members do not want to attract users. They are happy with the current reduced and shrinking user base as long as they can continue to hack on their favorite stuff. (I know, I know, it’s hard to quantify “shrinking user base” in an open source project such as NetBSD, but I think it’s pretty obvious to anyone that has been involved with the project for years that this is the case. And if it isn’t obvious, it should be.)

The general belief is that by making an technologically good product, NetBSD will attract talent and reach critical mass. I’m sorry but: Not. Going. To. Happen. As recently mentioned in a mailing list: if having excellent technology were enough to attract new users, NetBSD should have tons of those already; after all, it has been 20 years since the start of the project. Where are these users? If anything, we have lost the majority of the ones we already had.

This is nothing new. If you look at the industry —any industry—, you will find products that were years ahead of their times and better than the competition. Yet, they failed. The less advanced products did a better job at reaching out to their potential users, they gained marked share, and they killed the better competition. Betamax anyone?

I am not going to say how NetBSD could avoid scaring new users away; this is out of scope of this post. But there are many ways, ranging from marketing efforts to the definition of firm goals, passing by changes to the project’s infrastructure.

Parting words

In 2006, another ex-board member posted his own thoughts on the state of the project, some of which line up with what I’ve written above, some of which I don’t agree with. At that time, I could more or less see where those concerns were coming from. Now it’s 2013 (that’s 7 years later) and little has changed since; if only, some aspects have only gotten worse.

This all makes me incredibly sad. NetBSD is still the open source, Unix-like operating system that bothers me the less and the one I like hacking on. It is the open source project in which I acquired tons of “real-world” engineering skills. Because of these, I’m not “quitting” the project; at least not yet. However, and unfortunately, I’m finding it harder and harder to get the energy to contribute to NetBSD: there are many more rewarding things to do out there in the open source world.

So after all this you may still be wondering: “why bittersweet”? The decision was bitter because I enjoyed the feeling of being part of the board. It was also bitter because I saw I could not make any substantial change even if I renewed my membership. It was sweet because I could finally let go and allow more energetic people take my place, hoping that they manage to do a better job.

I wish good luck to the current board and core members. My hope with this post is to hopefully inspire someone in the project to take strong action and stir it in the right direction, whichever that might be. The project just needs a direction, and whoever is able to define that will win big time.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you take this as a sincere and constructive criticism.

Comments from the original Blogger-hosted post: