Joining the Board of Directors of The NetBSD Foundation
May 22, 2011 ·
About 2 minutes
Dear readers,
It is a great pleasure for me to announce that I have just joined the Board of Directors of The NetBSD Foundation.
If you are curious about how this all happened, here it goes: as described in the election procedure, someone who I don't know nominated me back in November of 2010 to become part of the new board composition. After the Nomination Committee made their way through the long list of nominees, interviews and deliberation, they proposed a slate for the new members of the board. This slate included two people who were renewing their previous term (tron@ and reed@) and two new members (spz@ and jmmv@) to replace the two members stepping down (agc@ and david@). The final approval of the proposed slate happened in April 2011 and, yesterday, it became official.
Looking back, I can't believe it has been already ~10 years since I first started using NetBSD. Ah, those were the times of 1.5. My responsibilities within the project have shifted a lot during this time, ranging from the maintenance of GNOME and several web site tasks, the development of the testing framework (which is still ongoing today), and, from today, to my new duties within the board.
I'm looking forward to working on this new area of the project and I hope to meet the requirements of such position. The two members being replaced will be missed, and keeping up to the high bar they left behind will be tough. That said, I hope spz@ and I will be able to meet the expectations.
If you have any ideas or concerns regarding the direction of The NetBSD Project, don't hesitate to send them to the board@!