• How to contact Julio M. Merino Vidal

    If you would like to suggest an idea for a future post, please use the Suggestion box. I will receive a notification when you add a note to that post, so rest assured that I will read it. If you need to contact me personally, you can do it by sending an e-mail to my personal address. If your message is related to NetBSD in some way, you can use my NetBSD address.

  • Suggestion box

    I am open to suggestions from my readers — that is, you — for future posts. Keep in mind that these are mere suggestions: I reserve the right to talk about those that I find interesting and omit those that don't. Note that this post's comments might be deleted in the future to leave room for newer ones. Here is a non-exclusive list of topics I am inclined to cover:

  • GNOME 2.12.1 hits pkgsrc

    As usual, the latest stable version of the GNOME Platform and Desktop, 2.12.1, has been integrated into pkgsrc. It has been a tough job due to all the affected packages and comes a bit late, compared to all the previous updates, but I hope you'll enjoy it. Please see the official announcement for more information.

  • Blogger

    Two years ago or so, I registered a weblog at Blogger, which only lasted a week (don't bother looking for it; it was deleted). At that time, I didn't like that site much, specially because it lacked a very important feature: integrated support for comments. Yes, you could use external utilities/sites to host comments, but that was complex. However, a few minutes ago, I discovered that they now have comments support; yay!

  • Articles: Lightweight web serving with thttpd

    Several months ago I started writing an article about setting up and using the lightweight web server thttpd, focusing on the NetBSD operating system. I finally decided to finish it a month ago and submitted it for publication. You can now read it on-line at ONLamp. Hope you find it useful!

  • C++: Constructors and global data

    As a general rule of thumb, accessing global data from within class constructors is a dangerous operation and ought to be avoided. The C++ specification does not describe the order in which global variables are initialized, so there are high chances that your constructor accesses uninitialized data, producing unexpected resultsn (e.g., crashes in some circumstances). It is important to remark this. This behavior is undefined, so it can change across compilers and/or architectures.

  • Monotone: Using mini-branches to apply patches

    The Monotone VCS provides the concept of mini-branches. A mini-branch is a lightweight branch created inside a formal branch whenever a commit causes "conflicts" with the actual contents of the repository. For example, if your working copy is not up to date and you commit something, you will create a new head within the branch (that is, a mini-branch), that you will later need to (possibly manually) merge with the other head to remove the divergence.