• Got a BenQ FP202W flat panel

    As a present for my saint (I don't know if this is the proper expression in English) — which I celebrate today due to my second name (Manuel) — I got a BenQ FP202W flat panel. It's a 20" wide screen, providing a 16:10 aspect ration at its native resolution of 1680x1050 pixels. This contrasts heavily with my now-old Viewsonic E70f, a 17" CRT doing only 1024x768@85Hz. And man, this new monitor is truly amazing.

  • The Multiboot specification and NetBSD

    In the OS world, each OS comes with its custom boot loader that knows how to load the kernel and how to pass the execution flow to it. These boot loaders often know very little about other OSes, so if you need a multi-OS environment, you have to install several different boot loaders. It is often tricky to get them to coexist and, even if you accomplish it, it's still annoying to chainload between them.

  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas, my fellow readers, and thanks for reading this blog! Seizing the opportunity to post some numbers: since this blog was moved from Livejournal to Blogger it has got around 2.300 unique visits. This makes the 209th post and the blog has been up for 19 months; I think it's in good health. Oh, and I just got a Linksys WRT54GS broadband router as a Christmas present... time to set it up :-)

  • Monotone: Got T-Shirt

    The last weekend of past November, Monotone's main author, Graydon Hoare, proposed a "bugathon": a time frame in which all efforts could be focused on fixing existing bugs in the code. The price for solving a bug was a T-Shirt (or any other object from its CafePress shop), so I decided to help a bit by fixing some portability bugs to NetBSD. And today, I received the long sleeved T-Shirt I ordered in exchange for the fixes :-) (Will post a photo of this one too when I learn how to do it.

  • NetBSD 3.0 released

    The NetBSD Project has just released a new major version of its operating system, thus making NetBSD 3.0. This release comes a year after of 2.0 publication and includes lots of new features and bug fixes. For more information, see the announcement (also available in Spanish). From here, a big thank you to all the people who made this release possible and, specially, to the release engineering team.

  • SoC: Got T-Shirt

    When I got home yesterday, I found that I had already received the so-promised Google's Summer of Code T-Shirt as well as a certificate stating that I passed the program. I'm happy :-) I now should learn how to post photos here in Blogger.

  • Comments after a month with the iBook

    It has already passed a full month since I bought the iBook 12". And man, this is one of the best buys I've ever made. Just after I got it, the preinstalled Mac OS X greeted me and let me set up the machine. After that, I spent some time installing the applications I needed such as XCode, Vim.app (yes, I really like Vim's graphical version), the Subversion and Monotone clients, Adium X, Firefox (because Safari fails to open my faculty's website), NeoOffice/J, The Gimp, Colloquy and a bunch of other less-important things.