• Buying a trackball: the odyssey

    Yesterday morning, I sold my good and old Logitech Marble Mouse trackball. I had the first version that came with a PS/2 connector and with only two buttons. I wanted to change it for a new one mostly because I need a USB-enabled one, but also because I want to have a scrolling wheel (to me it's extremely useful). Since then until now, I've gone to ~all local PC shops (if you live in Barcelona, you know what this means when going to Ronda de Sant Antoni and nearbys) asking for trackballs, but none of them has a single one.

  • Desktop screenshot

    Now that I know how to post images here, I think I'll be posting screenshots once in a while ;-) Here comes my current desktop (the iBook attached to the 20" flat panel):

  • How not to close a bug

    A couple of weeks ago, I received a notification from GNOME's Bugzilla telling me that one of my bug reports was closed, being marked as incomplete. That really bothered me a lot because it was closed without applying any fix to the code — after all, NetBSD is dead, right? What is worse: the maintainers acknowledged that the bug report was correct, so there is a real bug in glib. So why the hell was it closed without intervention?

  • GNOME 2.12.2 in pkgsrc

    It has taken a while but, finally, GNOME 2.12.2 is in pkgsrc. As always, this new version comes with multiple bug fixes and some miscellaneous new stuff. Enjoy it.

  • NetBSD slides for PartyZIP@ 2005 available

    The slides I used for the NetBSD conference at PartyZIP@ 2005 are now available at the NetBSD website. These shoud have been uploaded to PartyZIP@'s site as well as some recordings about the conferences, but this hasn't been done yet — and this happened in July. Hope you find them of some interest ;-) Note that they are in Spanish.

  • GStreamer 0.10 in pkgsrc

    I've uploaded GStreamer 0.10, the base plugins set and the good plugins set to pkgsrc. This new major version is parallel installable with the prior 0.8 series; this is why all the old packages have been renamed to make things clearer. Fortunately, this version was easier to package because it does not need a "plugin registry" as the previous one did (i.e., no need for install-time scripts). Even though, the split of the plugins in different distfiles (base, good, bad, et.

  • Google Talk talks to other servers

    Yes, it is true! (Although I haven't seen any anouncement yet; thanks to a friend for telling me.) Google's messaging service, Google Talk, can now communicate with other Jabber servers such as the popular jabber.org. It has always been a Jabber-based system, but its server didn't allow communications with third-party servers before. I think I'll migrate my account if this one proves to be stable; will be trying it for some days before to make sure :-)