• What have I learned during SoC?

    One of SoC's most important goals is the introduction of students to the free software world; this way there are high chances that they will keep contributing even when SoC is over. Students already familiar with FOSS (as was my case both years) are also allowed to participate because they can seize the Summer to learn new stuff and improve their skills. As I expected, the development of Boost.Process has taught me multiple new things.

  • Boost.Process 0.1 published

    SoC 2006 is officially over — at least for me in my timezone. Given that the Subversion repository has some problems with public access, I've tagged the current sources as the first public version and uploaded a couple of tarballs to the Boost Vault. Both the tag and the tarballs will also serve historical purposes, specially when newer ones come ;-) You can download the archives from the Process directory in tar.

  • Boost.Process tarballs posted

    As everybody is not comfortable accessing Subversion repositories to download source code, I've posted two tarballs with Boost.Process' sources. They include an exported copy of the repository contents as well as prebuilt documentation in the libs/process/doc/html subdirectory. You can download the compressed archive either in tar.gz format or in ZIP. Keep in mind that these will be updated very frequently so please do not use them to prepackage the library.

  • Blog migrated to new Blogger beta

    Blogger announced yesterday multiple improvements to their service. These are still in beta — as almost all other Google stuff, you know ;-) — and are being offered to existing users progressively. To my surprise, the option to migrate was available on my dashboard today so I applied for it; I was very interested in the post labelling feature. The migration process has been flawless and trivial. After the change nothing seemed to have changed except for some minor nits in the UI.

  • SoC: Boost.Process published

    In a rush to publish Boost.Process before the SoC deadline arrives, I've been working intensively during the past two days to polish some issues raised by my mentor. First of all I've added some Win32-specific classes so that the library does not seem Unix-only. These new classes provide functionality only available under Windows and, on the documentation side, they come with a couple of extra examples to demonstrate their functionality.

  • SoC: Status report 3

    Only 8 more days and SoC will be officially over... Time has passed very fast and my project required much more work than I initially thought. It certainly cannot be completed before the deadline but I assure you that it will not fall into oblivion afterwards; I have spent too much time on it to forget ;-) There have been many changes in Boost.Process' code base since the previous status report; let's see a brief summary:

  • IMAP gateway to GMail

    Update (Oct 24, 2007): OK, this is one of the most visited posts in my blog. Don't bother reading this. As of today, GMail supports IMAP without the need for external hacks! Just go to your settings tab, enable it, configure your mailer and that's it! More information is on their help page. Wouldn't it be great if you could access your GMail account using your favourite email client from multiple computers, yet keep all of them synchronized?