• Talk about Git

    I've been using Git (or better said Cogito) recently as part of my PFC and, although I don't like the way Git was started, I must confess I like it a lot. In some ways it is very similar to Monotone (the version control system I prefer now) but it has its own features that make it very interesting. One of these is the difference between local and remote branches, something I'll talk about in a future post.

  • pkgsrcCon 2007 report

    pkgsrcCon 2007 is over. The conference started around 1:00pm on the 27th and has lasted until today^Wyesterday (the 29th) at around 7:00pm. There have been 10 different talks as planned, although we weren't able to follow the proposed schedule. Most of the presentations were delayed and some were shifted because the speakers could not arrive on time. Not a big deal though. We have been, more or less, around 20-25 people.

  • Monotone's help rewrite

    A couple of weeks ago, I updated Monotone to 0.34 and noticed a small style problem in the help output: the line wrapping was not working properly, so some words got cut on the terminal's boundary. After resolving this minor issue, I realized that I didn't know what most of the commands shown in the main help screen did. Virtually all other command-line utilities that have integrated help show some form of an abstract description for each command which allows the novice to quickly see what they are about.

  • SoC: Selected again!

    Yes, Google Summer of Code (SoC) 2007 is back and I'm in once again! This means I'll be able to spend another summer working on free software and deliver some useful contributions by the end of it. This time I sent just one proposal, choosing NetBSD as the mentoring organization. The project is entitled Automated testing framework and is mentored by Martin Husemann. This framework is something I've had in mind for a long time already; in fact, I also applied for this in SoC 2006 and attempted to develop this project as my undergraduate thesis.

  • Problems with locales?

    Reviewing photos from my trip to Punta Cana, I found this one taken at Punta Cana's airport: Looks like they had some problems with locales! The text should have read España (or Spain). On a related note, it was also curious to see all other monitors mention the flight's destination city whereas ours showed the whole country. According to the other screens, it should have really said Madrid.

  • Mounting volumes on Mac OS X's startup

    As I mentioned yesterday, I have a couple of disk images in my Mac OS X machine that hold NetBSD's and pkgsrc's source code. I also have some virtual machines in Parallels that need to use these project's files. In order to keep disk usage to the minimum, I share the project's disk images with the virtual machines by means of NFS. (See Mac OS X as an NFS Server for more details.

  • How to disable journaling on a HFS+ volume

    Mac OS X’s native file system (HFS+) supports journaling, a feature that is enabled by default on all new volumes. Journaling is a very nice feature as it allows a quick recovery of the file system’s status should anything bad happen to the machine — e.g. a power failure or a crash. With a journaled file system, the operating system can easily undo or redo the last operations executed on the disk without losing meta-data, effectively avoiding a full file system check.