• Got it! (The PS3)

    A bit more than a week ago, I posted about considering to buy a PlayStation 3 and, finally, yesterday evening I took the plunge and bought a Starter Pack that comes with a PlayStation 3 (60GB model, about to be deprecated), 2 Sixaxis controllers (I know the DualShock 3 is about to be published) and two games (Resistance: Fall of Man and Motorstorm). I love the machine so far and think that the money was well spent, even though I haven't had a chance to install Linux yet.

  • Considering to buy a PS3

    For the last couple of weeks, I've been considering to get a PlayStation 3. Not because of gaming, as I'm not a hardcore gamer, but because of the development platform it provides: a rather compact and cheap machine with an heterogeneous multiprocessor — the Cell Broadband Engine — that can easily run third-part OSes. My current research tasks focus on this area, so having a personal Cell machine at home to tinker with would be nice.

  • ATF meets XML

    During the last couple of days, I've been working on the main major change planned for the upcoming ATF 0.3 release: the ability to generate XML reports with the tests results so that they can later be converted to HTML. It goes like this: you first run a test suite by means of the atf-run tool, then use the atf-report utility to convert atf-run's output to the new XML format and at last use a standard XSLT processor to transform the document to whichever other format you want.

  • ATF 0.2 released

    I am pleased to tell you that ATF 0.2 has just been released! This is the first non-SoC release coming exactly after a month from the 0.1 release, which means that the project is still alive :-) This is just a quick note. For more details please see the official announcement. Enjoy!

  • Getting started with Cocoa

    I recently subscribed to the Planet Cocoa aggregator and it has already brought me some interesting articles. Today, there was an excellent one titled Getting started with Cocoa: a friendlier approach posted at Andy Matuschak's blog: Square Signals. This post guides you through your first steps with Cocoa. Its basic aim is making you gain enough intuition to let you guide yourself through Cocoa documentation in the future. If you have ever programmed in, e.

  • TV series: Jericho

    Just finished watching Jericho's first season, aired during the summer on the Spanish Tele 5 channel. What an incredible drama show! It has all ingredients to keep you hooked: well balanced characters, good acting and scenery, lots of action and, of course, a good dose of suspense (OK, not as much as in Lost, but that's exaggerate). It is a pity it was cancelled and, after looking at their site, I don't really understand if there will be a second season or not; I hope there'll be.

  • Me @ deviantART

    I have been a deviantART member for a bit more than three years already — wow, time passes fast... too fast —, but I never submitted any stuff I was really proud of. In fact, I have just removed the three deviations I had in my account. Now that I own a decent digital camera, I think I'll start posting some of the photos I like most in that place after retouching them a bit.