• 24' widescreen comparison

    As promised in the previous post Choosing a 24" widescreen monitor, here comes the brief analysis I did before deciding which monitor to buy. Refer to the comparison table (or the PDF version if the XHTML one does not work for you) for more details. I'm linking this externally because putting it here, in this width-limited page, would be unsuitable. The data in that table has been taken from the official vendor pages when possible, even though they failed to list some of the details.

  • Interferences in CVS tagging

    Once again, CVS shows its weaknesses. Last night I committed a fix to pkgsrc and soon after I noticed I had a prior e-mail by Alistair, a member of PMC and the one responsible for the preparation of pkgsrc releases, asking developers to stop committing to the tree because he was going to tag it for pkgsrc-2007Q4. It turns out that my fix did not get into the branch because the directory it went in (devel/monotone) had already been tagged.

  • Welcome, 2008

    It is a new year again. Let's see if I can, at least, accomplish one goal: I should try to not delay stuff as much as I have been doing until now. This specially refers to replying to some e-mails and working on some stuff I once started but have not had the time to finish (bad excuses, I know). The clearest example that comes to my mind is Boost.Process, for which I have got many status-requests already.

  • Choosing a 24' widescreen monitor

    I'm currently using a 17" flat screen with the PlayStation 3 and, also, for my MacBook Pro in clamshell mode. For the laptop, it is "reasonable" given that it has a similar resolution to the one of the built-in screen, but for the PlayStation 3 it simply sucks: I can only use it through the composite input, which results in very bad graphics quality. I also miss the 20" monitor I sold when I bought the MacBook Pro, which was very nice to watch videos and had lots of real screen state to work comfortably.

  • Ministry of silly walks

    I have never posted a video here, but this time I could not resist: The "Ministry of silly walks", by Monty Python. Hilarious.

  • Past days' work

    Been tracking and resolving a bug in Linux's SPU scheduler for the last three days, and fixed it just a moment ago! I'm happy and needed to mention this ;-) More specifically, tracking it down was fairly easy using SystemTap and Paraver (getting the two to play well together was another source of headaches), but fixing it was the most complex thing due to deadlocks popping up over and over again.

  • Thanks, SystemTap!

    I started this week's work with the idea of instrumenting the spufs module found in Linux/Cell to be able to take some traces of the execution of Cell applications. At first, I modified that module to emit events at certain key points, which were later registered in a circular queue. Then, I implemented a file in /proc so that a user-space application could read from it and free space from the queue to prevent the loss of events when it was full.