I am pleased to announce that the tutorial on the FreeBSD Test Suite that I proposed for AsiaBSDCon 2014 has been accepted!

The conference website will soon include more details, but allow me to spoil your wait:

  • Goals: Learn how to use the test suite, how it is internally organized and how new tests can be written.
  • Stretch goal: Get attendees to contribute one or more tests to the project.
  • Audience: Mostly developers of FreeBSD that want to learn how the new test suite plugs into the system. That said, and because a major part of the tutorial will revolve around using the test suite for one's own benefit, everyone is welcome really. In particular, system administrators may get a useful tool out of this.

The main surprise in the acceptance confirmation email is that materials are due by January 20th... which is around the corner! Time to rush in getting things ready. In the meantime, you can find more details on the tutorial by reading the proposal itself.

And don't forget to arrange your trip as soon as the conference schedule is published. (Or do it right now if you know you are attending anyway.)

Comments from the original Blogger-hosted post: