This article is part number 1 of the Production software series.

Hello again!

After a pretty busy week at EuroBSDCon 2013 and a week of vacations right after—which made me miss the two posts due last Thursday and Monday—it is time to start a new series titled “Production software”.

Originally, I had intended this series to be called “Production engineering”, but the definition that the Wikipedia gives for such term does not really convey the contents of the upcoming posts. So what will we go through?

In this Production software series, we will learn about specific design patterns and implementation techniques related to writing quality software that can be easily deployed and managed in a production environment. There are many little details that make such software different from other applications such as desktop or tablet apps, but that are unique to servers or scripts that run in one or many remote machines in an unattended manner.

Specific topics that this series will include are logging policies, configuration features and little details like assertions.

If you are interested at all in any of these, stay tuned by subscribing to updates!

Comments from the original Blogger-hosted post: