I finally took the plunge. Yesterday night, I migrated the Kyua and Lutok repositories from Subversion to Git. And this morning I migrated ATF from Monotone and custom hosting to Git and Google Code; oh, and this took way longer than expected.

Migration of Kyua and Lutok

Migrating these two projects was straightforward. After preparing a fresh local Git repository following the instructions posted yesterday, pushing to Google Code is a simple matter:

$ git remote add googlecode https://code.google.com/p/your-project
$ git push googlecode --all
$ git push googlecode --tags

One of the nice things I discovered while doing this is that a Google Code project supports multiple repositories when the VCS system is set to Git or Mercurial. By default, the system creates the default and wiki repositories, but you can add more at will. This is understandable given that, in Subversion, you have the ability to check out individual directories of a project whereas you cannot do that in the other supported VCSs: you actually need different repositories to group different parts of the project.

I performed the full migration under a Linux box so that I could avail of the most recent Git version along with a proven binary package. The migration went alright, but I encountered a little problem when attempting a fresh checkout from NetBSD: git under NetBSD will not work correctly against SSL servers because it lacks the necessary CA certificates. The solution is to install the security/mozilla-rootcerts package and follow the instructions printed during installation; why this does not happen automatically escapes my mind.

Migration of ATF

I had been having doubts about migrating ATF itself, although if Kyua was moved to Git, it was a prerequisite to move ATF as well.  Certainly I could convert the repository to Git, but where could I host it afterwards?  Creating a new Google Code project just for this seemed too much of a hassle. My illumination came when I found out, as above, that Google Code supports an arbitrary amount of repositories in a particular project when converting it to Git.

So, for ATF, I just ran mtn git_export with appropriate flags, created a new atf repository on the Kyua site, and pushed the contents there. Along the way, I also decided to kill the home-grown ATF web site and replace it by a single page containing all the relevant information. At this point, ATF and Kyua are supposed to work together quite tightly (in the sense that ATF is just a "subcomponent" of Kyua), so coupling the two projects on the same site makes sense.

Now, let's drink the kool aid.

Comments from the original Blogger-hosted post: