For the 6th year in a row, NetBSD is a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2010!

If you are a bright student willing to develop full-time for an open source project during this coming summer, consider applying with us! You will have a chance to work with very smart people and, most likely, in the area that you are most passionate about. NetBSD, being an operating system project, has offers for project ideas at all levels: from the kernel to the packaging system, passing by drivers, networking tools, user-space utilities, the system installer, automation tools and more!

I would like to point you at the 3 project proposals I'm willing to directly mentor:
If you find any of the above projects interesting, or if you have any other project proposal that you think I could mentor, do not hesitate to contact me. Feel free to send me a draft of your application, together with a bit of information about you, so that we can discuss your proposal and make sure it gets selected!

Or, if none of the projects above interests you, please do check out the full list of NetBSD project proposals. I'm sure you will find something that suits your interests :-)

Comments from the original Blogger-hosted post: