Yes. ATF's code is a "bit" messy, to put it bluntly. I'm quite happy with some of the newest bits but there are some huge parts in it that stink. The main reason for this is that the "ugly" parts were the ones that were written first, and they were basically a prototype; we didn't know all the requirements for the code at that point... and we still don't know them, but we know we can do much better. Even though I'm writing in plural... I'm afraid we = I at the moment :-P

So, is it time for the big-rewrite-from-scratch? NO! Joel Spolsky wrote about why this is a bad idea and I have to agree with him. Yeah, I'm basically the only developer of the code so everything is in my head, and I'd do a rewrite with a fresh mind, but... I'd lose tons of work and, specially, I'd lose tons of code that deals with tricky corner-cases that are hard to remember.

Sure, I want to clean things up but they'll happen incrementally. And preferably concurrently with feature additions. These two things could definitely happen at the same time if only I had infinite spare time...

Anyway, the major point of this post is to describe what I don't like about the current code base and how I'd like to see it changing:
  • A completely revamped C++ API for test cases. The current one sucks. It is not consistent with the C API. It lacks important functionality. It uses exceptions for test-case status reporting (yuck!). And it's ugly.
  • Clear separation of "internal/helper" APIs from the test APIs. You'll agree that the "fs" module, which provides path abstraction and other file system management routines, is something that cannot be part of ATF's API. ATF is about testing. Period. Either that fs module should be in a separate library or should be completely hidden from the public. Otherwise, it'll suffer from abuse and, what scares me, will have to become part of ATF's API. And likewise, most — really — most of the modules in the current code are internal.
  • Less dependencies from the C++ API to the C API. Most of the current C++ modules are wrappers of their corresponding C counterparts. This is nice for code reuse but makes the code extremely fragile. In C++, things like RAII can provide really robust code with minimum effort, but intermixing such C++ code with C makes things ugly really quickly. I'd like to find a way to keep the two libraries separate from each other (and thus keep the C++ binding "pure"), but at the same time I don't want to duplicate code... an interesting problem.
  • Split the tarball into smaller pieces. People writing test cases for C applications don't want to pull in a huge package that depends on C++ and whatnot. And ATF is huge. It takes forever to compile. And this is a serious issue for broad adoption. Note: whether the tools are written in C++ or not is a separate issue, because these are not a dependency for anything!
  • The shell binding is slow. Really slow compared to the other ones. Optimizations would be nice, but those do not address the root of the problem: it's costly to query information from shell-based tests at run time. I.e. it takes a long time to get the full list of test cases available in a test suite because you have to run every single test program with the -l flag. Keeping a separate file with test-case metadata alongside the binary could resolve this and allow more flexibility at run time.
  • And some other things.
Those are the major things I'd like to see addressed soon, but they involve tons of work. Of course, I'd like to be able to work on some features expected by other developers: easier debugging, DOCUMENTATION!...

So, helpers welcome :-)

Comments from the original Blogger-hosted post: