I'm about to publish the 0.4 release of ATF. It has been delayed more than I wanted due to the difficulty in getting time-limited test cases working and due to my laziness in testing the final tarball in multiple operating systems (because I knew I'd have to fight portability problems).

But finally, this weekend I have been setting up a rather-automated build farm at home, which is composed so far of 13 systems. Yes, 13! But do I use so much machines? Of course not! Ah, the joys of virtualization.

What I have done is set up a virtual machine for each system I want to test using VMware Fusion. If possible, I configure both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the same system, because different problems can arise in them. Each virtual machine has a builder user, and that user is configured to allow passwordless SSH logins by using a private key. It also has full sudo access to the machine, so that it can issue root-only tests and can shutdown the virtual machine. And about the software it has, I only need a C++ compiler, the make tool and pkg-config.

Then I have a script that, for a given virtual machine:
  1. Starts the virtual machine.
  2. Copies the distfile inside the virtual machine.
  3. Unpacks the distfile.
  4. Configures the sources.
  5. Builds the sources.
  6. Installs the results.
  7. Runs the build-time tests.
  8. Runs the install-time tests as a regular user.
  9. Runs the install-time tests as root.
  10. Powers down the virtual machine.
Ideally I should also run some different combinations of compilers inside each system (for example, SUNpro and GCC in Solaris) and make tools (BSD make and GNU make). I'm also considering in replacing some of the steps above by a simple make distcheck.

I take a log of the whole process for later manual inspection. This way I can simply call this script for all the virtual machines I have and get the results of all the tests for all the platforms. I still need to do some manual testing in non-virtual machines such as in my PS3 or in Mac OS X, but these are minor (but yes, they should also be automated).

Starting and stopping the virtual machines is what was trickiest, but in the end I got it working. Now I would like to adapt the code to work with other virtual machines (Parallels and qemu), clean it up and publish it somehow. Parts of it do certainly belong inside ATF (such as the formatting of all logs into HTML for later publication on a web server), and I hope they will make it into the next release.

For the curious, I currently have virtual machines for: Debian 4.0r2, Fedora 8, FreeBSD 6.3, NetBSD-current, openSUSE 10.2, Solaris Express Developer Edition 2007/09 and Ubuntu Server 7.10. All of them have 32-bit and 64-bit variants except for Solaris, which is only 64-bit. Setting all of them up manually was quite a tedious and boring process. And the testing process is slow. Each system takes around 10 minutes to run through the whole "start, do stuff, stop" process, and SXDE almost doubles that. In total, more than 2 hours to do all the testing. Argh, an 8-way Mac Pro could be so sweet now :-)

Comments from the original Blogger-hosted post: