A bit more than year ago, jvprat (a classmate) and I started to develop VigiPac, a three-dimensional Pacman-clone with multiplayer support. It was registered on Sourceforge.net soon after to make it available to the public.

Since then the project had been completely inactive because we had no time to spend on it. So... this weekend, while I was doing some cleanup, I talked to him and decided to "officially" shut the project down. I put an announcement on the site's news telling that the project was discontinued and made the sources easily available (i.e., bypassing Monotone).

However, the day after we put the announcement he regained interest in the project and started hacking on the sources again. So far he has uploaded them to the Subversion repository and made some new changes. I don't know if he will have much more time to work on it nowadays because the new semester at university has just started. But, if he does have time, we will probably see good results. I hope he'll keep us informed either through his blog or through the game's news page.

From my side I do not have much interest in continuing developing Vigipac (the lack of DRI under NetBSD is one of the most important reasons) but I'll closely look at any changes.

In the meanwhile, I'll continue working on my "secrets manager" and possibly publish it in the following days. It already has a name (which I reserve for the announcement), a test suite, a manual page and useful functionality (to me, that is). Stay tuned!

Comments from the original Blogger-hosted post: