The GNOME Project has just released the 2.10.0 version of its Desktop Environment. This is a new major release of the 2.x branch, which is source and binary compatible with all previous versions in the 2.x series.

Aside lots of fixes, improved translations and code cleanups, which are typical in minor releases, this one includes several new features and utilities designed to make your desktop experience better than ever. You can see a summary of changes here, and in case you are impatient to see it working, just download and try the live cd.

Now, the big question: when will this be ready for pkgsrc? Well, I've started working on the update a moment ago, and after a quick look, there are around 70 packages to go (several of which should be straightforward updates); as you can expect, this will take a while.

As we are on a feature freeze in order to prepare the next pkgsrc stable branch, 2005Q1, I'll have more than a week of time to work on it calmly (don't think that that's a long time). Unfortunately, this means that I won't be able to help much to stabilize the current code-base. Shame on me! I don't like to say this, but... pkgsrc freezes always come in bad timing (final exams or new GNOME releases), so I can't usually help :-(

Comments from the original Blogger-hosted post: