As I already said in previous posts, LiveJournal provides a quite good service. However, free accounts do not have the RSS service, which is a pity. Having a sindication method is a very important thing to make a blog popular among people.

So... I have implemented it externally: a small Perl script fetches the main page, parses its contents and extracts the recent entries. When it has gathered all the information, it generates the RSS file and stores it in a friend's server -, owned by Brainstorm -, who is providing me space to store it (thanks very much!). This script is run from cron(8) at specific times during the day to keep the file up-to-date (although, unfortunately, not in real time).

You can find a link to the RSS feed in the Links section of this page (see the left bar). Hope it doesn't break soon! :)

Edit (13th September 2004): an anonymous reader has told me that Livejournal provides an RSS feed for everybody, including free accounts. So, forget everything about the custom script and just use the link in the left side of this page to get the feed. It now points to the RSS file generated by Livejournal, which should be updated in real time and is more accurate than the one generated by my script (i.e., it won't break if I change the style). Moreover, I've removed the link pointing to my custom RSS from the post, so that you don't use it by mistake.

Comments from the original Blogger-hosted post: